
The CEI is managed by a Director (Prof. Juan Antonio Melero) and a Coordinator (Prof. Guillermo Calleja Pardo), both from the university leading the CEI “Smart Energy” project (URJC). The CEI governance bodies, in which all the relevant institutions participate, have been designed to establish the lines of action, prioritise the actions, and provide the necessary means to monitor, control, and achieve the established objectives. The group bodies in question are the Executive Committee and Board of International Advisors.

The Executive Committee is comprised of representatives from the two lead universities since the group was modified, the URJC and the UAH, and is presided by an academic member with director functions from the coordinating university (URJC). The Executive Committee is the body in which CEI actions and programmes are discussed and decided, defining the appropriate priority criteria, monitoring systems, and progress control in each area. It is presided over by the URJC Vice-Rector of Innovation, Scientific Quality, and Research Infrastructures (Prof. José Antonio Melero), and the coordinator is a Delegate of the URJC Rector (Prof. Guillermo Calleja). The other Executive Committee members are: The UAH Vice-Rector of Research and Transfer (Prof. Maria Luisa Marina), the IMDEA Energía Assistant Director (Manuel Romero) and the CIEMAT Renewable Energies Department Director (Enrique Soria).The IEC Technical Office provides the administrative support for this governing body.