I Awareness Seminar for Sustainable Food System of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC) Further information click here
The course will be held on: 4th-8th July, 2016. Aranjuez Campus, URJC. Further information Click here http://uverano.urjc.es/
Joint own degree URJC-UAH. Further information click here. http://www.urjc.es/estudios/titulos-propios/1578-experto-universitario-en-herramientas-avanzadas-en-eficiencia-y-gestion-energetica-de-organizaciones
The seminar will be held on May 20, at the Campus of Móstoles , in the Aula Magna del Aulario III (Room 203) . Places are limited. Registration: http://goo.gl/forms/8Hr5MMxJJP Further information: Click here
IMDEA Energy organizes the Conference: International Workshop Rapid Prototyping for Smartgrids , to be held on April 26 , the attached program. The event is aimed at companies , universities and research centers that develop and test the integration of renewable sources and storage networks , as well as DFIGs and programmable devices to control […]
Location: ETSI de Telecomunicación. Fuenlabrada Campus. February 29th and March 1st. Registration. Further information here. https://www.urjc.es/actualidad/agenda/date/2016/2?catid=114 https://www.urjc.es/todas-las-noticias-de-actualidad-cientifica/1878-internet-de-las-cosas-y-eficiencia-energetica
http://enertic.org/Congreso2016?param1=120¶m2=Smart%20Energy%20Congress%20&%20Expo%202016 Click here for further information