
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo.
Mar 0
Mar 0


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Mar 0
Mar 0

CALL FOR CEI “Smart Energy” AWARDS 2016

CALL FOR CEI “Smart Energy” AWARDS 2016-. This second call is developed in order to enhance the visibility of the Campus of International Excellence CEI “Smart Energy” within the promoting academic institutions thereof, such as Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Rey) and the University of Alcalá (UAH). These awards aim to increase in the near future […]

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Feb 0
Feb 0

International Workshop Rapid Prototyping for Smartgrids

IMDEA Energy organizes the Conference: International Workshop Rapid Prototyping for Smartgrids , to be held on April 26 , the attached program. The event is aimed at companies , universities and research centers that develop and test the integration of renewable sources and storage networks , as well as DFIGs and programmable devices to control […]

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Feb 0
Feb 0

Manganese oxide-based thermochemical energy storage

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Feb 0
Feb 0

Understanding the effect of morphology on the photocatalytic activity of TiO2 nanotube array electrodes

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Feb 0
Feb 0

Joint oOptimization of a Microgrid’s structure design and its operation using a two-steps evolutionary algorithm’s_structure_design_and_its_operation_using_a_two-steps_evolutionary_algorithm

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Feb 0
Feb 0

Conclusions from VIDRIO EU research programme on protection of stained glass by outdoor canopy

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Feb 0
Feb 0

Competing in the DARPA virtual robotics challenge as the SARBOT team

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Feb 0
Feb 0

Zr-SBA-15 Lewis Acid Catalyst: Activity in Meerwein Ponndorf Verley Reduction

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Feb 0
Feb 0

II Seminar URJC- IBM Smart Cities

Location: ETSI de Telecomunicación. Fuenlabrada Campus. February 29th  and March 1st. Registration. Further information here.

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