
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo.
Nov 0
Nov 0

Resolución de los Premios CEI 2018

Resolución de Premios CEI 2018

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Oct 0
Oct 0

II Seminario de sensibilización por un sistema alimentario sostenible URJC

Día 30 de octubre de 2018. Más información aquí  

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Oct 0
Oct 0

Sustainable Innovation Forum

Sustainable Innovation Forum

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Jun 0
Jun 0

Job Vacancies for the realization of doctoral theses

The Doctoral Theses will be developed in the facilities of the Chemical Engineering Group and Environment of the Rey Juan Carlos University (Móstoles campus), financed through labor contracts with teaching dedication.

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Apr 0
Apr 0

Summer School of the SUN-to-LIQUID Project (Contract 654408)

The primary objective of SUN-to-LIQUID is the sca­le-up and experimental validation of the complete process chain to solar liquid hydrocarbon fuels from H2O, CO2 and solar energy. Solar fuel production is truly scalable as less than 1% of the arid land is sufficient to meet the glo­bal fuel demand. Adverse effects due to direct or […]

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Apr 0
Apr 0

Participation of IMDEA Energy and CEI “Smart Energy” in the Smart Energy Congress 2018

For further information click here

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Apr 0
Apr 0

The Seventh International Conference on Smart Cities, Systems, Devices and Technologies

SMART 2018. Will be held on: July 22, 2018 to July 26, 2018 – Barcelona, Spain

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Mar 0
Mar 0

IV Seminar on Technological Consultancy

Will be held on 22th march. For further information click here

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Mar 0
Feb 0
Feb 0

Seminar H2020 CALLS: An Oportunity for Enterprises

For further information click here

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