
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo.
Feb 0
Jan 0
Jan 0

(Español) Meloda 5: A metric to assess open data reusability

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Jan 0
Jan 0

(Español) Multi-task learning for the prediction of wind power ramp events with deep neural networks

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Jan 0
Dec 0
Dec 0

(Español) La Universidad de Alcalá y la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos se unen para otorgar los Premios Campus de Excelencia

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Dec 0
Dec 0

(Español) Pacto Verde Europeo, la hoja de ruta hacia la economía sostenible en 2030. The European Grean Deal.

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Dec 0
Dec 0
Dec 0

(Español) Eco‐efficiency assessment of calcium sulfoaluminate clinker production

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Dec 0
Dec 0

(Español) Ordinal regression algorithms for the analysis of convective situations over Madrid-Barajas airport

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Dec 0