
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo.
Oct 0
Oct 0

New edition of the Prize “PTECO2”

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Oct 0
Oct 0
Oct 0

Seminar about “Financing Aviation´s Biofuels” . 9/10/2018

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Sep 0
Sep 0

H2020 Energy Virtual Info Day

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Sep 0
Sep 0

ZrO2-SBA-15 catalysts for the one-pot cascade synthesis of GVL from furfural

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Aug 0
Aug 0

Resource recovery potential from lignocellulosic feedstock upon lysis with ionic liquids

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Jul 0
Jul 0

“Security System based in emerging intelligence in the IOT (SMOTY)”

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Jul 0
Jul 0

Ampliado el plazo de solicitud de los “PREMIOS CEI 2018” hasta el 15 de septiembre.

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Jun 0
Jun 0

Subventions for Investments in industrial machinery with more enegetical efficiency

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Jun 0
Jun 0

Dissemination and Explotation in Projects H2020: Supporting actions from the URJC


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