
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo.
Sep 0
Sep 0

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Sep 0
Sep 0

When comparisons are not odious: combined use of process simulation, LCA and DEA

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Sep 0
Sep 0

Modern meta-heuristics based on nonlinear physics processes: A review of models and design procedures

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Sep 0
Sep 0

A novel Coral Reefs Optimization algorithm with substrate layers for optimal battery scheduling optimization in micro-grids

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Sep 0
Sep 0

Bimodal polypropylene through binary metallocene catalytic systems: comparison between hybrid and mixed heterogeneous catalysts

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Sep 0
Sep 0

Surface / groundwater interactions – a biological and ecohydrological approach

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Sep 0
Sep 0

Arctic ostracods and copepods of the hyporheic zone in Swedish Lapland – assemblages’ resilience and shell chemistry

Arctic ostracods and copepods of the hyporheic zone in Swedish Lapland – assemblages’ resilience and shell chemistry

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Sep 0
Sep 0

A Review of Classification Problems and Algorithms in Renewable Energy Applications

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Sep 0
Sep 0

Comprehensive multiphysics modeling of photocatalytic processes by computational fluid dynamics based on intrinsic kinetic parameters determined in a differential photoreactor

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Sep 0
Sep 0

Experimental Study of the Formation and Deposition of Gas Hydrates in Non-Emulsifying Oil and Condensate Systems Corresponding

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